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Image by Roberto Carlos Román Don
Welcome to The Color Pixie

An Indian Odyssey in Mexico! Here, I chronicle the vibrant tapestry of our family’s journey—a blend of marigolds and maracas—as we navigate our new life far from the familiar landscapes of India to the spirited heart of Mexico. 


I’m your host on this adventure, a wife and a mom of two spirited kids, and a caretaker of one German shepherd mix Belgian malinois dog, who, like us, is finding his new favorite spots under the Mexican sun. This blog is our storybook, penned to entertain, inform, and perhaps inspire those who dream of making a similar leap across the seas.


From the thrilling chaos of moving countries to the quiet moments of finding ‘home’ in a foreign land, our tales are served with a side of casual prose and a sprinkle of poetic flair. Whether it’s navigating the local mercado, deciphering the school system, or celebrating Diwali Mexican style, every post promises a slice of our life and a guide for anyone looking to explore this part of the world.


In a sea of expat stories, I plan to offers a distinct flavor. While many narratives about life in Mexico come from those hailing from the USA or Europe, who often find their dollars and euros stretch further here, our journey weaves a different thread. Coming from India, where the rupee doesn't flex quite the same muscle as the dollar, our experiences in Mexico are shaded differently—financially, culturally, and emotionally.


This blog aims to share those nuances, providing insights that resonate with fellow Indians contemplating a similar move, and anyone curious about a view of Mexico seen through a lens less commonly found in your typical social media scroll. Here, you won’t just read about where to find the best tacos or how to celebrate Cinco de Mayo but also about how to manage budgets, where to seek out Indian groceries, and how to negotiate the subtle socio-economic shifts one faces. Join us as we chart a course that’s as informative as it is heartfelt, balancing practical advice with lighter tales from our daily adventures.


So, brew some chai, get comfy, and join us as we share our trials, triumphs, and the countless lessons learned along the way. Welcome aboard our journey from the land of the Ganges to the Gulf of Mexico—a journey of embracing a new vida with an Indian touch!

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